It’s all too easy to be affected by bad news, if you’re not careful you can find yourself surrounded and consumed with problems. It’s so important, especially in the world we live in right now, to make sure that you don’t lose sight of what’s important.

Quite simply put for me, that’s to continue to be focused on the Solutions – not the problems. Stay committed to what it is you want, if you don’t then when you hit a road block (and that’s a When NOT an If) the first thing you’re going to think is “How do I get out of this?”. If you’re committed then the first thing you’ll think is “How do I solve this?”.

No is not a word you can afford to accept. David Cameron recognising this said he wanted “to champion the growth and ingenuity of the British people….The spark of initiative, the courage to make your dream happen. The hard work to see it through…….There’s only one strategy for growth we can have now and that is rolling up our sleeves and doing everything possible”.

There is no one more iconic to me than Gerald Ratner for his ability to keep going, prove himself as a leader, and demonstrate that success is achievable as long as you stay focused on the solution.