Another Top Business Tip – Why not listen? What did you Say?!!

Check you language.  It’s really important not just what you say to others, but what you tell yourself too.  So check your language.  Remove words that dilute your message.  These are words like:

Try & Hope.  

I’m not interested in doing business with someone who will TRY and deliver, or HOPE to fulfill my requirements.  I want to do business with some one who delivers results.

To avoid sounding arrogant,  use the words “I believe…..” instead.

The other alternative is to just leave the word hope or try out of your sentence.  I’ll give you an example, I just received a tweet from a new follower saying:

“@Bridge101 thanks for following hopefully you’ll find it helpful and interesting”.

Compare that against:

“@Bridge101 thanks for following, you’ll find it helpful and interesting”.


“@Bridge101 thanks for following I believe you’ll find it helpful and interesting”.

Which one do you have least confidence in?

Small changes, but massive difference.

It’s one of the most powerful ways that you can make small changes to massively impact on your life – to check your language.  As a mother I’ve always been aware that I’d like to tell my son Zach what it is I want him to do, rather than what I don’t want him to do.  I’ve been consciously thinking about this and putting it into practise since I was pregnant back in 2004.

It’s now just a couple of weeks after my sons 7th Birthday and even though I still can find myself saying “Don’t do that…..”  I manage to get in quite a few, “Can you do this please….” in too.

So we recognise that just because a change is small, just because a change is simple, it doesn’t mean to say that it’s easy.  It will require lots of work, consistently, but the benefits you’ll receive, the massive changes it will make in your life are always worth it.

What small change are you going to make to your life to bring massive changes?  Why not just check your language? – What did you say?